Wednesday, February 15, 2017

10 Most Unusual Ways to Promote Your Business

When companies form, they instantly think about how they can market their brand. You won’t be any different because you need to advertise to sell products and make money. That is how the industry works. Still, that doesn’t mean that you can deviate from the norm by choosing different marketing techniques. The ‘experts’ will try and tell you that there are only a few ways to ensure that you effectively market your brand, but they are wrong.

There are hundreds of ways to market your brand if you know where to look. In fact, there are several unusual ways to market your brand. And, these are the ones that you want to concentrate on if you want to make a splash. The great thing about the weird and wonderful world of marketing is that it is new and fresh. Unlike the tried and tested methods, consumers aren’t wise to them, which makes them more effective.

If you are a non-believer, here are ten methods you can try that will transform your marketing strategy.

Door Hangers on Door Knobs

One great way to hit your target audience is to target their specific location. That way, you know that you are talking to them directly and will listen. Marketing can be hit and miss for the reason that companies don’t tailor their campaign – they spray bullets and hope one of them hits. Door hangers are different in this sense. But, they are also different because they stand out from the crowd. The perceptive ones among you will realize that a flyer or a leaflet will have the same effect. But, everyone has seen a flyer before. In fact, most people are predisposed to throw them away before they read what is on the page. Door hangers are unique, which means the target will have the courtesy of reading it before they make a judgment.

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